Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday October, 22, 2012

I did my Firm upper body today. I am so tired all the time and lethargic. I could seriously take a nap twice a day and not feel rested. My Vit D was 18 after taking prescription medicine for it so I just completed a 2nd round of 50000 units a day for two weeks. I don't feel it has helped. Your number should be above 30 so the nurse said I was extremely low. I went ahead and set up a lung function test next week. I have been coughing for over four weeks. Then, I set up a complete physical. I want them to check my thyroid. My hair has been dry and falling out. I hope to get some energy and if anything is wrong figure it out.

I am having to detox sugar and diet Dr Pepper again. Hopefully that will also help with my feeling tired. The weather is absolutely gorgeous. It is the perfect weather for camping and hiking and just enjoying being outside.