I was looking through songs to add to my phone to play during workouts and came across this song by Mandisa called Goodbye. It is perfect for the start of a change of lifestyle journey that I am taking on.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG6Aa3DIg9Q&feature=relmfu
The lyrics are:
To the voice, to the liar in the mirror
Saying you can't ever change
To the guilt that's sitting on your shoulder
Always keeping you wrapped in chains
To the past that you can't undo
To the pain that you're walking through
To the small and the big mistakes
This is what love wants to say
Say goodbye, say goodbye
To the one that you used to be
Say goodbye, say goodbye
Every day is a brand new mercy
Hello, hello, this is where it starts now
Hello, hello, everything can turn around
In a moment
Here's your moment
You can say goodbye
There is grace that you can't imagine
There is love that you can't outrun
There is peace you can hold onto
When your world is coming undone
You don't have to give into the fear
You don't have to let your story stop here
And when that hand tries to pull you back
You don't have to go back
You don't have to go back
To everything that breaks you down
It doesn't have to define you now
Jesus came to take it all away
Say goodbye, say goodbye
To the one that you used to be
Say goodbye, say goodbye
Every day is a brand new mercy
Hello, hello, this is where it starts now
Hello, hello, everything can turn around
In a moment
Here's your moment
You can say goodbye
Amen! Goodbye! Goodbye to the old Holly. The one that let circumstances keep her from taking care of herself. The girl that gave into pain, busy-ness, short time schedules, and so many other things because she always waited until circumstances were better, until she had it all together and planned out and nothing came up to get in the way. She is gone. She's been replaced by a girl that has a plan to expect interruptions to her plan. A girl that is committed to work around schedules and make herself a priority.
The first line of the song hit me... "the liar in the mirror." When I read Body for Life years ago he said that we condition ourselves to think of ourself as a liar when we constantly commit to working out and eating right and then fall two days later. We begin to not believe in ourselves anymore, because our word becomes nothing but another lie, another promise. Whew, that is solid tough! I wouldn't lie to my husband or a friend. But, how many times have I shortchanged myself... duped myself into believing this would be the time I'd do it, only to fail. I don't want to be that person to myself. I want to treat me as I would a friend. Encourage and pull along. When I fail I want to just pick it back up and go forward, not give up.
"You don't have to let your story stop here. And when that hand tries to pull you back. You don't have to go back" So, my story won't end here. It is a new beginning... one where I will accomplish taking back my health.
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