Thursday, December 12, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Body Revolution Week 4
I just want to say that tracking on My Fitness Pal has been a huge eye opener for me. I have a gluten allergy so eliminated all wheat three years ago. I've been eating clean for about a year. I wasn't tracking my calories, proteins, sugars, or anything. Basically I tried to eat 5-6 meals a day including protein with each meal. I cut simple carbs (white rice, sugar, etc) and limited my carbs to breakfast and lunch eating a baked sweet potato or brown rice. At supper I kept my carbs to vegetables- focusing on green veggies. I ate grilled meat.
All that sounds so good. I was trying to eat quality foods. What I have found is that I was barely getting over 1000 calories a day. Since I was eating 6 times I surely thought I was getting way over 1500. I would look at diets limiting you to 1200 and thought they must be crazy, I'd starve! I've been trying to do two 30 minute workouts a day and I was crashing. I felt like I could sleep all day. Some days I would start my workout and felt like my legs weighed a ton each and like there was nothing left in my body to push through the workout. As much as it is a struggle to start a workout routine on its own, feeling like that made it a daily battle mentally and physically. I'd go a couple of weeks and fall off and start taking a day to rest. That turned into two.... until I woke up and it had been two weeks I hadn't exercised and I'd lost all the endurance and benefits from what I had done.
I began tracking for Bod 4 God. As I learn what to fuel my body with I try to plan out what I will eat each day. As one category hits its limit I start tweaking, taking out items or adding in where I am low. I've not been able to hit my calories or protein without some supplementation through protein drinks. As I am getting more calories and protein I am seeing an increase in my endurance and energy throughout the day. I've not been hungry at all because I feel like I am eating all day long.
I am on my fourth week of Body Revolution. I did workout 3 today and increased my burn from 325 to 385 by jumping in the jumpropes and pliƩ squat jumps and not modifying as much.
I've worked up my menu for today to try to get 1400 calories.
Breakfast- Oatmeal smoothie
mid meal- Greek yogurt, 10 almonds
Lunch- Beef fajita meat, onions, peppers, 1/2 c brown rice, 2 boiled egg whites, 1 oz cheddar cheese
mid meal- premier chocolate protein drink
supper- grilled chicken with greek seasoning, 2 boiled egg whites, 1 cup steamed broccoli,
mid meal- chocolate protein drink
I am trying to be good, but don't know if I can sustain a diet like this. I want sour cream on
top of the fajita meat. I'm trying to be super committed right now so I can see how much my tastebuds will change and if getting sugar out of my system will help with cravings. I really want to lose weight this time.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Two Sundays ago I started a Bible study/ weight loss group at a church in town. Well, actually I was at the funeral that weekend so I didn't weigh in until Wednesday night. You are put on teams and the teams compete to win. There are also individual winners. At Wednesday's weigh in I weighed 198.2 with jeans and fully clothed. Normally I weigh naked so I don't like the added weight of clothes, but I guess we don't walk around naked so it's more true.
It was Labor Day weekend after weigh in so I really didn't get going until Tuesday of this week. I am redoing week 3 of Body Revolution and week 2 of Couch 2 5K. My runs were 90 seconds this week and the run portion has been very doable. I can see where I've gained endurance. I am really nervous about going to 3 minute runs next week, though!
Three weeks until our trip to Italy. So, I am doing my Body Revolution every day. I do the C25K three times a week and then the BRev cardio or hike on Wednesday and Saturday. I am going to try to do Tae Bo on Monday afternoons, Pilates on Wednesday, and my stepper on. Friday. We are also walking every night. I know it sounds like a lot, but it is two 30 minute workouts a day, plus a walk between 30 minutes and an hour. If we hike it is about an hour and a half.
I'm tracking my food on My Fitness Pal trying to keep my macros at 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat. I am going for 1350 -1400 calories a day. That means I am having to supplement with protein powder to get in calories and protein. I think my tummy is adjusting. I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow night!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Body Revolution week 3 workout 3
Ugh! I did workout 3 again after my run. I didn't do my workout on Thursday and Friday, so trying to get back onboard made this a tough workout. I still.cannot even attempt the plank to sunrise move in this workout and other than holding a plank I don't know what to do to modify. I guess I will just keep going, doing what I can do, and try to stay on schedule.
My.husband and I went walking last night. So that made 3 workouts for me on Monday. I used my cardio trainer app and checked the mileage around the block. We did 1.7 miles in 30 minutes. It averaged to about 17 minute miles. My husband said he can tell a big difference in my speed and endurance. I could, too. Although I was tired starting out, but didn't ever feel winded or like it was too much. It was encouraging after feeling like I am still struggling with my body revolution and not keeping up. I know I am improving.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Couch to 5k week 1 day 3
I didn't get my last run in last week so today got week 1 day 3 run in. I've figured it out that I can do Mon, Wed, Fri this week and sun, Tue, thurs, sat next week to catch up. Of coarse, that Sunday run will be hard to make myself get up to do.
I had bloating and gas type rib pain all night and woke up with a pain in my ribs this morning. We ate at PF Chang's and although they had a gluten free menu I think I got a little. I wasn't sure if I would be able to run this morning. I almost talked myself out of it, but finally decided to try. I am already behind and have my goal to finish before we go to Italy. And I want to lose weight so bad.
I changed my route to see if it was less hilly. It didn't seem to have as many hills, but run six was on a pretty good incline. I needed to pause and walk an extra minute. I did the rest without pausing for walks. I don't see any way I will be able to do 3 minute runs next week. I am nervous, but all I can do is try and keep improving.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Couch to 5K week 1 day 2
I was supposed to run yesterday but I had not recovered from double workouts on Monday and Tuesday so I figured I would take a rest day. It was also raining. I pushed it back a day so I will run Thursday and Saturday instead. Great to have a little wiggle room.
It was a tough run. I was determined to do it, but struggled some. My 6th run time was on the biggest incline in the neighborhood. I could not recover in the 90 seconds so I paused my app and walked about another 90 seconds until I wasn't huffing so much. On my 8th run I was on another incline. I stopped at 30 seconds and walked. I paused it so I could complete that 30 second of that run time and finish. I did all the run times just added about 2-3 minutes of recovery walk time in. Not that bad I guess.
I am trying to figure out what to eat and drink to help my recovery. I realized I havent been drinking my water. I sweat like crazy during my Body Revolution and running. So, I am pushing water. I am taking 10000 units of vitamin D. I am having a protein drink or Greek yogurt within 30 minutes after each workout. I get protein 5-6 times a day. I couldn't sleep last night. I woke at 3:00. Gotta work on that.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Body Revolution week 3 day 1 &2
Yesterday I recovered from running and did workout 3 from Body Revolution. I still cannot do the plank to sunrise poses or the planks where you go on you elbows one at a time then back up on your hands. I try to find something else like holding a plank, but I can't hold it roo long either. I struggle to know whether to continue on or stick with workouts until I can do all of it. I wore my heartrate monitor and burned 325 calories. With my run that made 600 for the day.
Today I did workout 4. I feel no energy this morning. I sat around and tried my best to talk myself out of working out. I ate an egg and two pieces of bacon and waited an hour to workout. I still didn't have energy so I ate a mandarin orange. I just had to force myself to do it and it was a real struggle the whole time. I kept having to play mind games and know I was halfway and could do another 15 minutes, then had to break that down at 10 and 5 minutes left. I burned 325 calories.
My biggest motivator is that we leave for Italy in nine weeks. I hope to lose 30 lbs. and that is a huge goal. I can't make it I'd I start skipping workouts. I have to show up daily and work for it. I am in a 16 now and hope ro be in a size 12. If I lose I have some clothes I can take. In nine weeks I will get to the next to last week of Body Revolution which will have me do workout 11 & 12 twice each. I will also finish the Couch to 5K that last week. So, I don't have any wiggle room to miss workouts and try to get them in before leaving.
I need to figure out how to eat to recover and keep my energy level up. And keep away from sugar and chips! We celebrated my daughter's birthday last night and I ate a piece of cheesecake with Reeses cups as the crust. It was so good!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Couch 25K week 1 day 1
For the first week I walk five minutes then run one minute and walk ninety seconds for eight sets, then walk five to cool down. I've tried to do the couch25K two times before, but have never been able to do even the first day completely. So, I am extremely happy to have been able to complete day one. I also have been on a flat track the other two times and today I just ran in my neighborhood. I think every single time I was to run it was an incline! In reading people who run on a treadmill really feel the difference when they run outside. They say its harder if you didn't pick up on that. I would have done the track but I don't know when the football players got to practice.
I may go to the greenway....a local trail that is a paved and flat. It is 4.4 miles from the parking lot to the end and back to the parking lot. There is another short section the other way if I need to add any distance.
To say I am slow is an understatement. When I was on my jog portion a lady caught up to me just as I went back into walking and she passed me. But, that's ok! I wore my heartrate monitor and burned 275 calories. I know I will only get better and as I gain endurance I can work on speed.
Time to go do my Body Revolution. I move up to workout 3&4 this week. I am going to do this!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
End of week 2
I finished the end of week two in Body Revolution. I am down 9 lbs. All my shorts are falling off me. I've bought two new dresses in a size 14. I normally wear an 18. I've lost an inch and a half in my waist and the same in my hips.
I am still sweating like crazy and being pushed during the workouts. I did use 8 lb weights and I am modifying less.
I will do workout 3 & 4 tomorrow and the next day.
We have been walking every night. Last night we added a little distance. I got some new shoes and am going to start the couch to 5k on Monday. I don't know if I am ready so my plan is ti do as many running times as I can and keep doing it until I can complete week one and then get on the schedule.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Restarting Body Revolution
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Made To Crave
In the introduction it talks about Jesus telling the rich man to sell his possessions and follow him. The man wasn't able to give up what he loved to do that. She says that we cannot drag our divided heart alongside as we follow hard after Him. Ouch! How often do I do that. I want to follow Christ. I want to give up those things, but some part of me just won't let them go completely. So I drag a divided heart after Him. I fall because they weigh me down and I take my eyes off Him to see if they are still there, still look good to me, they still hold a place of desire in me. Wow! Powerful, even though I knew these things, but didn't allow my spirit to KNOW them!
Next, it talked about how Satan tempts us the same way he did Jesus. He uses cravings for things, lust of the eyes, and then boasting of what we have or do. Oh, those cravings! I can turn away, try to focus someplace else and in my mind still picture it, desire it, just want one bite to satisfy my desire, just smell it, taste it. Thinking it will be so good.... and how many times do I taste and it just doesn't seem to be as good as what I imagine it will be. So, I try something else. Only to fill my body with stuff that makes me tired, fat, sleepy, grumpy, guilty.
So, how did Jesus respond to Satan's temptations? He used scripture. So, when I am tempted and craving what isn't beneficial I should use that as a prompt to pray. Use scripture as a way to refocus my mind and heart.
All but two of the Israelites were not allowed to enter the Promised Land because they would not lay down their desires. They willfully put God to the test by demanding the food they craved Psalms 78:18. They wandered the desert 40 years and never entered the abundant life God had for them. I know from experience that after a period with no sugar I have so much energy and feel so much better. I remember how fruits tasted so much better. So sweet and good! How my cravings went away for the most part. They are still there, but the intensity dies down so your brain can redirect you to a better choice or to resist easier. The problem is the torturing days of intense cravings where you want to murder someone. Where you want to just make them go away. Where you can't focus. Headaches... oh, the headaches! Tiredness. Mood swings. All those horrible horrible intense days getting from one place to another. The desert. But on the other side it is so much better.... it is just a tough road to get there. Dry. Parched. Intense heat. Feeling alone, forgotten, deceived. The Israelites grumbled asking why they were taken out of slavery to starve in the desert, saying it was better where they were. When God was providing manna daily. Better in slavery? They couldn't see where God was taking them. They couldn't give up their desires and learn to trust Him for what is good and best. They drug their divided hearts with them. Going along, but not fully letting go of what they had so they could grasp what God had for them. Fools! We are all fooled by the devil into thinking that if we give up our desires that God will not give us anything better.
I want His blessings. I want what is on the other side. I don't want to drag my divided heart along and wander the desert as He waits for me to let it go so he can fill me with much much more. Everything my heart desires, that is beneficial and complete.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Body Revolution Week 3 Day 2
There was a lady at the track when I arrived and she was going the wrong way (counter clockwise) I didn't want to have to come the other way every lap so I just joined in going that way. Well, after I did one lap she turned around so it left me looking like the dork going the wrong way. I won't do that again!
It is so intimidating for people to see me run. Run is a very lenient word. I think it is more like walking in cursive. Slow, more people speed walk faster than my pitiful jog. My kids laugh at me. But, guess what? I am out there. I am going to improve. Today i can't go far, I can't go fast, but I am going. I like the quote for today " Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent." Truth.
I did Phase 1 Workout 4 today for the first time. One of the exercises I could not do was hold weights straight up over your shoulders and head. From a standing position go down on your right knee, left knee, stand on right foot, left foot. Then repeat multiple times. I got down and it is too much on my knees with all my weight to get back up. I am going to drop the weight and may balance next time instead of holding hands over head.
I had 135 squats to do today. I did 40 while my egg was cooking. I usually unload the dishwasher or clean the kitchen while waiting on things to cook. Who knew I could have been making a cute butt instead!
I've been totally wiped out today after my workouts. I have gotten absolutely nothing done around the house. I went to Sams yesterday so had all the big boxes of food and bags of apples, oranges, potatoes, and avocados lying on the counter. Then the kids just left whatever they used out and it is messy. I tried to pick up before my husband comes home, but it still isn't looking too good.
I do not know what to do about my extreme tiredness! I've been taking vitamins, drinking water, added more carbs, trying to get rest. Nothing seems to be working. I am pushing to try to keep working out and to function.
Today I had an egg and 2 slices of bacon for breakfast.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Body Revolution Week 3-
We went hiking on Sat to a nearby trail on the mountain. One place says 1.5 miles and another says 2.1 miles so I am not sure of the distance. I was already feeling tired before going, but was excited to get out and do it. My husband got ahead and called out to me to, "push it", "dig in", "come on" and got irritated with me for being tired and out of breath. He thought he was motivating me. He is a Marine after all. But, instead it made me feel not good enough. Embarrassed to be out of shape and slow. We got to the end and I hit my wall. We came out of the trail at the road we had to go down, but the car was up a hill in a parking lot. I waited at the road for him to come down and get me. Man, that pissed him off! He said I made the hike take an extra 30 minutes and embarrassed him that they had to wait on me. Within me things just went worse and worse, feeling defeated.... crushed. I've worked so hard trying to workout every day. I am struggling with whatever is going on energy wise. I was so excited to be going hiking and finding new trails. I am not losing weight. The thoughts started swarming me that it is all useless, it isn't working anyway. I don't see results. I am a disappointment to him. I am embarrassed to be out of shape. It all doesn't matter anyway. And since I can't do it and be good at it I might as well quit.
I sulked all day Saturday barely moving from the couch. I didn't go to church Sunday because I didn't want to go and put on a smile and pretend I am happy. I was hurting.
Today, I woke up. It is a Monday and new fresh start. I have grieved and will now let this roll off my back. I have spent 13 years giving up on myself. Either I didn't have the time or energy to take care of myself. I've started and let weather, love of food, lack of time, discouragement at being slow, out of breath, and embarrassed about my body stop me time and time again. Is it useless?????..... No! Even if I am not losing weight yet, I see I can do one more push up, 10 more seconds in a plank, all the jumping jacks in the circuit, and all the many things I see improving. It may be slow, but it is more than yesterday. So, I am going to keep going. What i would like to do is do this trail once a week to get in all the rough terrain and hills going up the mountain. I am going to start the Couch 2 5K this week. I think :) UGH, I wish I could get my energy back!
I did workout 3 in Body Revolution today. Most of it. The plank to sunrise pose was impossible. I just couldn't get form right. The rest was ok, but challenging.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Week 3 Day 17 and 18 Body Revolution
I don't think I mentioned I fell when we were hiking? I can't remember. Anyway... at the end of the trail it had a pretty good decline to a slate rock area that had a another waterfall. The whole side of the river was almost like steps with an incline of the slate and had multiple areas where little mini water flows were coming off the mountain into the river so it had a lot of wet rock areas that were very slippery. I carefully walked across the wet area to get to the side of the waterfall to view it and on my way back.... BAM! I face planted. You know how you see falls in slow motion? Well, I had none of that. One second I was on my feet and the next I was on my belly sliding down the rock towards the water watching my cell phone that I had in my hand that landed right in the stream of water coming down the rock. To top it off there were two different groups of people who were at the falls. So, I started nervously laughing. I was totally wet all down my front and a little muddy and embarrassed. Luckily I have an Otter Box on my phone and water had seeped under it and was on the screen. I quickly removed the Otter Box and gave it to Jamey to dry the screen (because I didn't have any dry shirt) It was okay. Oh, I have to laugh at myself, I am such a klutz.
Thursday, I am still just struggling with extreme tiredness. I took another 50000 units of Vit D and I am trying to drink a lot of water. I started doing my Body Revolution, workout 3, but after the jumping jacks two times, crazy walk out plank, jumping rope, etc I was so tired so I only did half the video. After exercising I ate a mandarin orange and immediately started throwing up again (I did this Monday) It wasn't right after exercising, like 20 minutes later. I don't know what is going on. I don't feel nauseated, it just comes over me all of the sudden and I don't make it to the bathroom. When I eat it feels like it is all sitting in my chest area so I think my Hiatal Hernia is acting up and just pushing food back up. I don't know.... sorry to be gross. I made a pasta salad with gluten free spaghetti noodles, smoked sausage, steamed broccoli, and Italian dressing. I was hoping the carbs would help my energy.
We had a really bad storm with tornadoes Thursday. All the school systems got out at 12:30 except ours so I went and got the kids out early. We had sirens go off for a little while. I cleaned out the downstairs closet so we could jump in if we needed to, but I didn't see anything. They said a "bookend" tornado was spotted about 6 miles from us heading our way. It just didn't touch down in our area. After it passed us there was damage about 6-10 miles the other side of us. Thank God we were spared any damage. My daughter had to go to work right in the middle of it, so I was worried about her.
I got my 2nd letter from my son in boot camp yesterday. It is so good to hear from him. His knee is bothering him and he is going to have to go to medical if he isn't able to run with it. That could slow his graduation date. I am going to go get him some sunscreen he asked for today and get it in the mail. He can't have any food, or they will just put it up until graduation, so I don't know what else I can get him. He sounds good. He loves the towers and fighting and stuff. He says he has increased his push up, run, and sit up times. He also says he is staying away from any junk food and eating really healthy. So proud of him. I hope when we go for graduation I will have lost about 25 lbs. I don't know anymore, I am not losing as much as I try!
My mindset is changing. I keep thinking of how fun it would be to meet friends at different trails around here and hike for fun. I am planning on going to different ones on the weekends with the family and enjoying doing all the different trails. That is huge! Activity and exercise are becoming something I look forward to and enjoy! I have decided to repeat week 3 next week. I am going to go ahead and do workout 4 today (Friday) and just count next week as week 3 again. I haven't had a good workout day this week and don't want to move on until I am doing it all so I don't injure myself. Oh, I did 100 squats Thursday. The challenge went from 80 to 100. I didn't see that until I pulled it up to see what I was supposed to do. Yikes, that is so boring after about 25. I did a set of 40 then later did a set of 30 and then another 30 later on.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Day 15 and 16 Body Revolution
So, what would I tell a friend that was struggling after seeing a fluffy photo??? I have been doing what I can by exercising and eating a lot better. And I did something active. I knew that I am not in the best of shape and may be slower and get winded, but I did it! I had a great time being out in nature.... seeing where the trail would take me. I am doing all I can each and every day to move forward. Yes, I am sad I have let myself do this to my body. Sad that the real me inside doesn't match the outer me. That the outer me holds me back. So, this photo will be motivation to continue on. I will not give up and settle with "this" for the rest of my life. I will conquer and I will win!
This is Little River Falls that is viewed from an observation deck right off Highway 35. During the winter the water is deep enough for kayaks and there are a lot of kayakers that go off this fall.... eek!
This is Little Martha Falls. We hiked from the parking area at Little River Falls about a mile to Little Martha Falls. In the summer it is called the Redneck swimming hole. I didn't get a photo but it forms a pool area at the bottom of the drop.
My plan since I missed two days of Body Revolution is to do workout 3 this morning and workout 4 tonight, cardio tomorrow, then 3 and 4 again Friday, and cardio again Saturday. That may be too much, though, so I will have to try it today and see. In weeks 1 and 2 it is low impact. Weeks 3 and 4 add in some jumping so is a little more stressful on the body. I am still struggling with lack of energy so don't know if I can push that.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Day 12 and 13 Body Revelolution
I feel so encouraged to have worked out consistently. I lost 3 lbs and then this morning got on the scale and was back up the 3 lbs I lost. I know the scale doesn't mean much and will fluctuate, I just want to see some reward. Keep going. Don't give up. Letting it discourage me will not get me to my goal, I have to just keep doing better and stay consistent.
Saturday I was supposed to do the Cardio DVD. We had a party to go to so I got up and showered and dressed without thinking. I meant to get up and do the DVD! We met friends up on a mountain and did do a little hiking.
I don't even remember my meals as it is Sunday that I write this.
This is a photo of me and my friends at the party on the mountain. I am in the striped shirt.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Day 11 Body Revolution
I did Workout 1 for the final time in my Body Revolution yesterday. You do workout 1, workout 2, cardio, workout 1, workout 2, cardio each week for two weeks. Then for weeks three and four you do workout 3 and 4 with the same cardio tape. Workout 1 has lunges, plank, bicycle crunches, triceps, squats, and shoulders in it. I struggle more with it than workout 2. I can already feel my core getting a little sore as well as my glutes. But, I also am getting that stronger feeling where you don't feel as heavy as you walk upstairs and although moves are tough you feel your body is more capable to just push through. I have sweat just dripping off my face with each workout, getting in my eyes and feeling so good.
I weighed after my workout and have lost 3 lbs. I was so excited and hope it wasn't just water weight. I am going to measure after 4 weeks and also take photos again. I cannot wait to see progress!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Day 10 Body Revolution
I didn't exercise yesterday because I woke up with a horrible headache that Excedrine did not knock out. I wasn't able to eat all day without my stomach being upset and feeling very nauseated. Getting back to it today, not going to let it derail me!
I didn't eat all day. When my husband came home he went to Zaxbys and I got some BBQ buffalo wings and french fries. Later had a mini bag of Doritos and a rice krispie bar. Also had a diet coke with the Zaxbys meal so messed up my no-coke diet. Well, I guess we will have days like this and today is a new day... so I am getting back up from my fall.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Day 9 Body Revolution

Second day back at Revolution after vacation and I am still struggling to get back into some sort of routine. My body feels so weak and tired. I think my Vit D levels must be very low again as I am falling asleep at 9 the last few nights and just feel so tired all the time. I've been taking 2000 mg a day on my own in addition to the 50000 mg I am to take once a month. I am going to take the 50000 units tomorrow to see if it helps.
I love workout 2 in Body Revolution. It does the rump raises and donkey kicks and stuff for your booty. I can feel how weak I am, so know I am building and strengthening.
I have also started a squat challenge for April
since I am a day behind starting I did the 55 yesterday and will just go from there. I need to also try to do some planks everyday to increase my time. I haven't totally committed to that yet, though.
I did better with my eating. I drank water all day, instead of sweet tea I drank all weekend. I had a boiled egg and 2 slices bacon for breakfast, leftover ham and peas with a sweet potato for lunch, Greek yogurt for meal 3, a hamburger patty for supper with broccoli, and a sugar free jello pudding for a snack and about 1.5 cups of popcorn. It was microwave popcorn with butter and was nasty. I need to go buy some fresh fruit, I was out today. Baby steps forward.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Day 8 Body Revolution

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Body Revolution Day 2
Workout 2 was a fun one for me. Workout 1 was shoulders, plank, bicycle crunches. Areas where I am weak. Workout 2 was biceps, back, lunges, deadlifts, and buttocks. I didn't have trouble with anything. It also doesn't have any tough cardio that pushes too hard. I think I need to up the weight on my biceps, because it wasn't pushing me. I used 5 lbs, so next time I will use 8 lbs. I was drenched in sweat again. Tomorrow cardio- ug, I hate cardio. But, when I did the Shred workout I could tell within a week how much I had built and was improving, so I will look forward to seeing myself improve.
My body feels so heavy. Like trunks. I can't wait to build the muscle and start losing the fat and get that good light strong feeling :) That will rock! And I can't wait to crunch up and not have a big ol roll in the way keeping me from going further. And can't wait to get a photo that I don't have to crop to make me look slimmer/less fat/hide my big ol booty. I am going to do this!
Breakfast- Chex cereal
Lunch: ham and cheese roll up with mustard (no bread), carrots with light ranch dressing as dip.
mid meal: fruit and nut bar
Supper: omelet with onion and 2 slices bacon, with a little cheddar sprinkled on.
I need to work on my meals, but am trying to do better.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Body Revolution Day 1
I could do everything except the plank and bicycle crunches. Whew, the plank is hard. I could only do about 10 seconds and have to rest about 3 seconds and do a little bit more. I did 20 bicycle crunches and had to rest and then picked back up. I was drenched in sweat at the end. It is pouring down rain with severe weather all around us so I don't think I will get my walk in.
This summer is my 25th wedding anniversary in July and my 45th birthday in August. Would it be horrible to say I want to look good and feel good and be a new me? I have planned out my workouts and broken my weigtloss goals down. My first one is to lose 5 lbs by Easter, which is in two weeks. We are going to Disney next week so in my plans I am not going to do Body Revolution next week, but do a circuit of jumping jacks, lunges, squats, etc. If they have a gym I might be able to do some of the Body Revolution weights, but I will have to see.
I am off with my eating today. For breakfast I had Chex cereal. I was going to have an egg, but my stomach was in knots waiting to take my son and I couldn't stomach it. I missed a mid morning meal as we were taking him. For lunch I had leftover grilled steak and half a sweet potato. I was still upset and starving so didn't take the time to make some green veggie. Tonight I will have the other half of the steak and sweet potato and will make some broccoli to go with it and try to get on track. For mid meals I have an apple and peanut butter and almonds.